When You Feel Lostfeatured
Lately, I’ve been feeling a lot of confusion, grief, & anger amidst this experience of human life. Of course, I exist outside of these feelings as well; I still find plenty reminders for joy, love & appreciation.
However, the one constant beneath it all, & perhaps the reason I keep bouncing between the extremes of emotion, is a hounding sense of aimlessness.
Perhaps a better way to put it is a feeling of being frozen & flailing helplessly amid deeply rooted, flawed premises reinforced by human society at large, obligations to Self, constant observation of contrast, & an underlying knowledge of the delicate vibrational dance that All is taking part in, my Self included.
I know many things to be true.
I know that just as everything we can observe is an extension of Source energy, so too am I.
I know that manifestation is the tangible evidence of a chronically offered vibrational frequency, whether it is consciously desired or not.
I know that as a human embodiment of Source energy, I get what I focus on, as the universe is always answering to the vibration I am offering.
I know that Death is always a new beginning. & In the moment of separation from our body, we reemerge into the non-physical, where we are once again purely focused Source energy, pure Creation, pure Love.
I also know that this conscious knowing I have is far from common. I know that, although this conscious knowing is uncommon, it is still common enough to be utilized toward mass subjugation.
I know that many of the same beings who have worked tirelessly for generations to lead other humans away from this conscious knowing, benefit from it in their individual lives.
I know that without this conscious knowing, one is purely at the mercy of those who possess it, along with their personal untamed Power.
& Yet, for all my knowledge, for all my faith, I still find myself heavily influenced by the images & messages that surround me.
I still find it difficult to challenge the flawed premises of those around me, even though I know better. I even find myself struggling to fully let go of my own flawed premises despite knowing the destructive intention behind them.
I see & feel the overwhelming hopelessness, the grief, the fear, the scarcity, & most of all, a complete utter lack of faith.
In ourselves, our fellow humans, & in the undercurrent of Love that flows through all Creations.
It’s hard not to feel like you are silly or crazy in a sea of humans who genuinely believe that what you can’t see does not exist. That they have no personal power. & That the only way to think & live is by premises that were established by people who benefit from their perception of collective strife.
It’s hard not to share in the hopelessness & despair born from this detrimental “knowledge”.
But I know there is a reason I am still here.
I know that when it was so pitch black I couldn’t see my own feet, a part of me still knew where to step.
I know that when logic failed me & I could see no other avenues for rescue, there was always a part of me that knew it could still work out. & I saw with my own eyes how much or how little things worked out for me, in relation to how much I believed they would.
I know there were multiple points in my life where the only thing that kept me going in the present was a vision I had for the future. & I know that I am living in that future right now. The dreams I set in motion continue to unfold before my eyes.
I know that miracles do happen because my life is a tapestry of miracles & it’s far from the only one.
I know that people do care because I see so much compassion in response to despair.
I know that there are & have always been Loving humans who have the same conscious knowing that I have because I learned from many of them. Some of them have teachings that spanned thousands of years. Some of them have amassed millions of devoted students.
& That’s how I know that the Truth is innate within all of us. Guidance exists within all of us. Love is alive within all of us.
I know that I will get lost many times. I know that a crucial part of being human is learning from the full spectrum of emotion & experience.
& I know that, if I ever reach a point where I don’t know what to do or where to go, like so many times before, faith will do me much better than sight.