The Emotional Guidance Scalefeatured

In this Universe, everything we perceive is made of vibration, including our physical form. Before we came into our bodies, we existed as non-physical beings—pure energy, one with Source.


From this non-physical state, we desired to experience life on Earth. This desire was an energy in itself, a portion of our consciousness, and when it merged with a growing body, the “You” we now recognize as ourselves was formed.


Although we have a unique perspective in our physical bodies, a part of us, often called our Soul or Inner-Being, remains connected to Source. This is the eternal, non-physical part of who we are—the essence of our true self. It’s the pure, expansive energy that exists beyond our bodies. Even though we experience life in a physical body, our Soul remains rooted in the broader perspective of our existence, growing from our experiences on Earth.


We have a built-in method of communication with this part of ourselves—our emotions.


Emotions as Guidance


Our emotions serve as valuable guidance, reflecting how aligned we are with the perspective of our Soul on any given subject. Essentially, emotions act as indicators of our personal vibration, signaling what kind of experiences we are attracting.


When we feel the lighter emotions, we are in harmony with our Soul and most desired manifestations. When we feel more heavy emotions, it’s a sign we are temporarily out of alignment.


In the non-physical, our Soul remains in harmony with Source, which is a name for the energy that creates All we know. Whenever we imagine something, our Soul immediately begins to lay the vibrational foundation for that reality. In this way, all of our desires and intentions are first born in the form of energy.


Our thoughts, feelings, and focus determine which of these vibrational possibilities will manifest in the physical world. As our Soul creates the vibrational groundwork, our emotions help guide us towards—or away from—the manifestations that are coming into our experience.


The Power of Manifestation


We are always manifesting, whether consciously or not. Manifestation is the natural result of our thoughts, feelings, and focus. To manifest the experiences we desire, we must practice thoughts and actions that feel good to us. The more we align with vibrations that feel light in our body, the more we allow the best-feeling manifestations to unfold.


Although there are countless manifestations ready to enter our lives, we can only see the ones we align with through our emotions and beliefs. Our vibration determines what we will experience at any given moment. What we practice consistently—whether Joy or Fear—will determine the reality we live in.


When we align fully with Source energy, we remember that we are Free, Powerful, Good, Loved, and have Infinite Value. We live with the Knowing that all is well, and that we are always supported by Source.


Living in alignment with Source energy means experiencing the best life has to offer. It is a state of ease, clarity, and joy where the stream of life flows easily.


If you recognize that you haven’t been living in alignment, this awareness is a gift. It allows you to appreciate the guidance of your emotions and begin the journey back to your true self.


Please remember, no emotion is “bad.” Emotions are simply information. Each emotion has a purpose and is part of your journey.

Instead of criticizing your emotions, approach them with compassionate curiosity. Ask yourself: What are my emotions telling me about my thoughts, beliefs, and overall state of mind?


The Emotional Guidance Scale


The Emotional Guidance Scale is a tool that maps out the range of emotions we commonly experience, from the lightest feeling vibrations (joy, love, freedom) to the heaviest (fear, grief, despair). Understanding where you are on this scale helps you know how close or far you are from alignment with your Soul perspective.


Importantly, we cannot jump from the bottom of the scale to the top in one leap. Just as you can’t go from feeling insecure to feeling content in an instant, emotions must be processed gradually. Each step up the scale brings a small amount of relief. Even if the emotion feels negative, it is still part of the path to greater alignment.


For example, moving from insecurity to contentment may require passing through jealousy, anger, or blame. These emotions may feel unpleasant, but they are still a step closer to alignment. Each emotion we feel offers valuable relief as we ascend the scale, guiding us toward the best-feeling emotions.


It’s natural to go up and down the scale throughout life. Learning to manage your vibration will take time, especially if this is a new concept for you. It’s okay to stumble or backtrack; what matters is that you remain dedicated to your peace and gradually build the habit of moving toward lighter-feeling emotions when you notice heaviness.


The Emotional Guidance Scale

From Total Alignment with Source to Farthest Distance:

  1. Joy, Knowledge, Empowerment, Love, Freedom, Appreciation
  2. Passion
  3. Enthusiasm, Eagerness, Happiness
  4. Positive Expectation, Belief
  5. Optimism
  6. Hopefulness
  7. Contentment
  8. Boredom
  9. Pessimism
  10. Frustration, Irritation, Impatience
  11. Overwhelm
  12. Disappointment
  13. Doubt
  14. Worry
  15. Blame
  16. Discouragement
  17. Anger
  18. Revenge
  19. Hatred, Rage
  20. Jealousy
  21. Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness
  22. Fear, Grief, Depression, Despair, Powerlessness


This scale does not capture every possible emotion, but it provides a clear map of the most common emotions we experience. Knowing where you are on the scale gives you insight into your vibration and your current proximity to Source.


Your emotions are your guide. The lighter you feel, the more you open yourself to a life filled with ease, freedom, and joy. Alignment isn’t about perfection or avoiding negative emotions—it’s about recognizing that every emotion serves a purpose and helps you navigate your way back to the best-feeling version of yourself.


Give yourself grace in this process and trust that, wherever you are, you are always moving closer to embodiment of your true self.

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