The Divine Deathfeatured
Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte
La Niña Flaca
Woman of Night
Thank you.
Throughout my childhood & adolescence
were incessant reminders
of Death’s presence;
in my hometown of Detroit, Michigan
monuments to the Departed
adorned posts on every other street corner.
Within my first family,
I witnessed my relatives lose
pieces of themselves.
Frequently told were stories
of parts lost
long before I came to be.
Once cherished connections
burned away or decayed
beyond recognition;
too many left their bodies behind
long before I expected
or wanted them to.
My introduction to life on Earth
was colored by frequent experiences of
loss & unpredictable shifts
reflected back to me
in every moment,
every place,
every Being
I came into contact with
the inescapable cycle of transformation
the inevitability of Loss
hounded my footsteps.
I resisted it unbeknownst
of the suffering it created for me.
Two months after I turned 11 years old
a bullet took my father from his body.
In my father’s absence
I was exposed to new extremes
of abuse & neglect.
I awakened to the horrors
of human society
& my utter lack of safety in the World.
My grief was compounded
by my sense that
God Himself
had abandoned me.
I had been raised to believe in God;
trust in His goodwill
& follow His law.
Yet He allowed horrific things
to befall my loved ones
to befall Me
to befall the World.
I questioned if “God” truly existed.
Either way,
He would get no praise from me.
My Faith went with my father
& Anger made a new Home in my heart.
This was the Death
of my childhood.
Around the age of 14
having eschewed organized religion,
identifying myself as a proud Atheist,
I discovered Wicca;
My first introduction to a concept
of a governing spiritual Supreme
without Judgment or Wrath,
Alive in All.
I was pleased by the notion that
my Self was extension of the Divine
& as Divinity
I too had the ability to Create.
Up until that point
my knowledge of religion
began & ended at Christianity.
My father was raised by Baptists;
My mother by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I was primarily shaped by
my father & his mother’s Faith.
I took comfort in this new perspective;
rather than living at the mercy & behest
of a wrathful, judgmental God,
I chose the path;
fully supported by the Divine
of which I was part.
These concepts affirmed my inner-knowing
that there was more to my human existence
than I had been led to believe.
A familiar spark
reignited within me,
reminiscent of the flame
I held in my chest as a little
when I experienced visions
that became manifest
& heard voices
that had no body to speak them.
My relatives said
I was “talking to Spirits”.
Although this concept of Wicca
didn’t entirely resonate with my Heart
it gave me language & perspective
to conceptualize my relationship to Spirit
& my Ability as an embodiment of
The Energy that Creates Worlds.
I had spent my lifetime feeling powerless
& here was my chance to be powerful.
My interest in magical practices
led me to ancient Egyptian spirituality.
At 15
I began devotion to the goddess Isis.
I performed my first ritual for Her;
A rite of initiation, devotion, & admiration.
As I conducted my ritual
I felt the spark again
This time
it set my Heart aflame.
My practice of devotion to Isis
led me to the discovery of Hoodoo & Obeah
the practices of my stolen African Ancestors.
This way of life
silenced the voice in my chest
that said I was an oddity.
I had discovered a practice,
a culture,
that fully matched the song of my Heart.
I did much of my research on social media,
joining Hoodoo groups on Facebook & Reddit,
where Santa Muerte soon began
to make frequent appearances.
A Mexican Folk-Catholic saint
in the form of a female
personification of Death.
More new concepts introduced to my world.
Her devotees sang Her praises
for all to observe
the most astonishing tales
of miraculous shifts in circumstance,
showers of blessings,
newfound abundance.
Her children beamed
the gracious light
of their Mother’s Love.
This image of Death
struck me with discomfort
Fear & Anger tinted my perspective
of this destructive force.
The Love of Her children
gave me a new color to consider.
This Death was gorgeous,
draped in finery,
addressed as a Queen;
Her miraculous works stood
as a testament to the power of Spirit.
She Loved All
even those who God
turned away.
In All who were deemed worthless,
Santa Muerte saw treasure.
Their Lives are the ultimate Gift;
the greatest miracle.
Through the eyes of La Santa Muerte,
all are equal
because all must die.
The Energy that Creates Worlds
takes up different shapes
in the form of our known Reality.
The driving force
behind this energy
is Love;
A Divine action,
the effort of continued Growth.
Without Death,
Growth is impossible.
She is the Destruction
that makes space for Newness;
the womb that alchemizes
the Beginning and the End;
the Home to which Life returns
to be reborn anew.
What can this be called
if not Holy?
By the age of 17
I proclaimed myself a Hoodoo practitioner.
I began my research into the Santa Muerte,
a mysterious, foreboding figure
whose image struck me
with Fear & Awe.
La Santa Muerte appealed to me
as a magnetic, beautiful
womanly Being
who represented the concepts
I most abhorred
as well as those
closest to my Heart.
Our Lady of the Holy Death,
the catalyst behind all Life;
fierce protector of those
on the fringes of society;
The One who cradles All
in Her loving embrace,
is also Loss,
Devastation & Decay.
I was compelled to examine
my values,
my morality,
the angriest parts of my Self
that said some people
should never be Loved;
& the most frightened parts
that said I should fear Change
& turn my eyes away
from the discomforting Truth
of the inevitable End.
As I continued my research
I came across articles
denouncing Santa Muerte
as a Satanic figure, a “false Idol”,
“The Criminal’s Saint”.
Some people had adverse reactions
when I mentioned Santa Muerte.
Either they were spooked
by reminders of Death,
or they associated Her image
with narcos, cartels,
people who commit heinous crimes,
or Satan himself.
These differences in perspective
were drastic & confusing.
It occurred to me that people’s perceptions
are colored by their experiences,
culture, & community.
I could not let anyone else define
who Santa Muerte was for me.
I knew the only “correct” perspective
to apply to my life
is the one that brings peace to my Heart.
I was a child without parents,
without a Home,
seemingly without Love.
Much had been taken from me.
I continued to experience Change
in ways that were painful,
& irreversible.
I was lost,
drowning in my ocean of
Anger & Hurt.
There was little I could do
to silence my pain;
so I surrendered.
I followed what I now recognize
as the call of my Spirit
& I was led to the embrace
of the Holy Death.
Through my connection
with the Holy Death
my Heart got her wish;
a Home,
a family,
As I nurtured my relationship
with my Ancestors
& the Holy Death who united Us,
I became reacquainted
with peace, appreciation,
& Faith.
My childhood
returned to me.
I believe this union became the basis
of my life’s dramatic changes
from a state
of perpetual suffering to one
of continual thriving.
Through my connection with
La Santa Muerte
I have learned:
Death is a true ally
mistaken for an enemy
to our severe detriment.
She is reliable.
She is relief.
More often than not,
She is the answer.
Death comes in many forms.
Death is the End & the Beginning,
the harbinger of Newness–
continued Life.
as Life is destroyed
new Life simultaneously
arises in its place.
Life & Death are married;
both necessary for the existence
of the other.
Without Life
there is nothing to Die.
Without Death
there is no Living.
Death is sacred,
Death is how
we return Home.