Words For My Aching Heartfeatured
You will have too many painful experiences in this life to count.
If we hold onto our pain, using it as a comforting excuse to poison our body & mind,
it will only lead us to more of the same.
All feelings exist for a reason, even those that hurt.
The most painful feelings (along with the most comforting feelings) are powerful guidance.
It hurts because you are not supposed to remain there.
The same way physical pain warns us about damage to our body so we can change course,
emotional pain serves the same purpose for our heart.
Sadness exists because Joy exists.
Grief exists because Love exists.
A state of anger, fear, depression, bitterness, or hurt,
whether it’s in general or towards something specific,
is a signal that Love is there and your focus is elsewhere.
Love is always present, whether you hold it in your focus or not.
There are many reasons we choose to focus on things that hurt us.
Some are convinced that certain people and situations
do not “deserve” to be looked upon from a place of Love,
so they hold onto the bitterness; unaware that they are hurting themself most of all.
For many, this type of hurt is comforting.
Coming from a background that was more traumatic than not,
I learned that stress, fear, anger, and other painful emotions are the norm.
I identified with these emotions and the experiences they bring.
I rarely questioned if there was a better way to feel or a more constructive way to think.
Coming from this kind of background makes it extremely difficult to care about how you feel and
to see the meaning in your emotions.
You have to focus on surviving any way you can.
There is very little opportunity for self-exploration and
gaining the knowledge you need to be healthy.
Even after making it to a place of safety and security,
trauma lives on in my body and subconscious mind.
Trauma leads our life from the shadows until we shine a light into it.
It takes great strength to face your shadows head-on.
Resistance is not something to shame yourself for. It exists for a reason.
It is an opportunity to look within yourself and
consider the creations of your mind with compassion and curiosity;
using your new insights to grow beyond that point.
We all want to feel Joy, Love, Appreciation, Knowledge, Empowerment, and Freedom.
Many of us do not know how to grasp these feelings.
Many of us seek out these feelings by acting in ways
that are destructive to our well-being and that of others.
Many of us have given up, believing that our ability to know these feelings lies in the hands
of other humans and/or circumstances outside of our control.
Emotions are produced by our thoughts. Emotions chart the course of our life.
Our thoughts can be observed and explored, beliefs can be shifted, and perspectives can change–
if one desires to do so.
You can always decide that you want to care about how you feel, what you want from life, and
how you represent your Self and your values.
No matter how many times you start down a path of destruction,
you can always choose to recommit yourself to the path of growth.
Depending on your history and personality, this can feel like walking a mile on sore feet
or climbing a mountain with no equipment.
You will stumble, fall, break down, give up,
many times.
Your Joy, Peace, and Health is worth the effort.
Any amount of progress deserves to be celebrated.
Remember that no one gets far on their own.
It is good and necessary to reach out for support when you know you need it.
This is a massive planet and 8 billion is
an incomprehensible number of human beings.
Of course there are many in this world who care about your well-being.
Safe people exist.
There is a never-ending supply of information in this world and
you will always be led to the information you need.
You are, without a doubt, connecting with beings who will contribute to your growth in meaningful ways–people who will Love you.
Believing is Seeing.
Life is a never-ending journey of Becoming.
You decide who you want to become.
Everything is temporary. We are here to learn.
There is something to learn from every inner and outer experience you have.
There is always hope.
You are always Loved by someone.
You are never alone.