When Fear Keeps You Stuckfeatured

When we are born into this world with our physical bodies, Fear is one of the first feelings we become acquainted with; alongside Love, Hunger, and Desire.

Fear has always served a needed and noble purpose. Fear has kept the human race growing and evolving for millennia. Fear keeps us alive; it keeps us safe. 

We want Fear to protect us the same way we want our mother to–but sometimes She is smothering. Sometimes she grips us by our neck and doesn’t let us go, even when we desperately want her to. 

Fear is useful, but not always. Fear is reasonable and rational, but sometimes our capacity for Fear is larger than necessary and our sense of Fear is overactive because we have spent such a long period of time in a hyper-aroused state. 

Sometimes Fear is more familiar and comfortable than certainty and safety because Fear has been our friend for so long when certainty and safety escaped us at every turn.

Fear keeps us torturously and comfortably locked in place. Fear and stagnancy are warm and cozy compared to the vast, cold unknown that is Life. 

Know this: We live in a Loving, abundant Universe. As Humans, we have been blessed with the ability to consciously create our lived experience. What does this mean? It means that if you decide everything is working out for you, and you think and Live as if it is, then it is. 

Yes, it is that simple.

Once you make that decision, Fear loses much of, if not its entire hold on you.

If you know you have a vision for your life, and you know that it is entirely within your power to conjure this life into existence, why let Fear stop you from taking the steps you need to take to turn your dreams into reality? 

Standing stuck in Fear is hurting you and stunting your growth. Staying stuck only serves as a detriment to you. You are your protector, not Fear. Your emotional guidance (intuition) is always communicating with you so you know the best decisions to make for your well-being.

Trust yourself, you are the only being who can be completely trusted to shape your life in the exact way you want it to be shaped. Source energy is always flowing to you and through you. You ARE Source energy. You are Loved fiercely and completely by the Cosmos, the planet you live on, and infinite non-physical energies who only wish to help you live out your desires.

Read these words and feel them in your heart. Source wants nothing more than for you to know and use your own incredible power.

You are strong enough to escape Fear’s grasp. You created the Fear; it works for you. You decide how you want Fear to work for you–if you want it at all. 

You control your mind, you control what you think about, you control what you focus on, and you control what actions you take. 

Fear, like all other emotions, is a fact of life. It is an eternal, inevitable aspect of being a “Being” in this physical realm. You will always have feelings of Fear. Sometimes, a lot of times, you will feel Fear for a very good reason. Sometimes you do need Fear’s icy claws to hold you in place. Sometimes you need to pry those dead claws out of your skin and step forward, no matter how loud Fear shrieks behind you, no matter what horrible things he screams in your ear, you have to keep going. 

Fear is holding you back from realizing your true potential. Remaining in Fear’s embrace is preventing you from fully stepping into your power as a physical manifestation of Source energy on this beautiful, abundant planet.

Hurt is an unavoidable facet of life. Trying to avoid it will only increase your suffering; as you know from experience. You must accept Hurt as a part of life, you must accept Failure as a part of life, and you must accept Loss as a part of life. We cannot avoid these things.

These emotions and experiences are integral aspects of our physical existence. We need these experiences to be Loving, well-rounded, always growing, always thriving. 

Everything is always working out for you to the extent you allow it to.

For you to be in alignment with your healthiest, most joyful, peaceful self, you have to become familiar with the feeling of Courage. You have to familiarize yourself with your intuition. You have to build trust in yourself.

When you are overwhelmed with Fear or Anxiety, it is because you lack trust–in yourself and the goodness of this Universe. You certainly have reason to be this way, but know that there is another, better-feeling way to Be. You are powerful, you are Loved, and there is nothing to be afraid of. You, and only you, create your Reality, and you are supported by the Loving energy of the Cosmos.

That Fear, that lack of trust, is holding you back from what you want–what you know you deserve. On some level, you know that. It is frustrating and it does feel helpless.

You give strength to Fear with your focus on it. Without your powers of Creation, Fear is nothing. Without your powerful Belief, it is nothing. 

You can always choose to believe something different. You can choose a different story, a different narrative, and different expectations. You can choose the direction your thoughts take. You can choose whether you believe in yourself or not. You decide whether you are capable or not.

You are Loved. You are precious. You are dear to all that is in the Cosmos. You are dear to the highest levels of consciousness in existence. You are dear to the Source Creative Energy that is responsible for all we are and all we know.

You are worthy. You are valuable. You are Light. You are Beautiful. You are pure Love energy in a physical body. You are a living, walking miracle. You are Magic. You create Magic. Your life is proof of your Magic.

You create your life with your thoughts, every second of every day. You are in control. Create with intention.

It is Human to feel Fear. 

All we ask is that you face that Fear head-on and keep walking toward your dreams.

You deserve nothing but the best this Life has to offer.

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